
I T 'S   B A C K!

Become a Investment Real Estate Expert Today

Learn How to Work with Investors using the #1 Real Estate Agent Investor Training Program

Get Started Now!

Everything you need to know about how to work with a real estate investor. 

*Prices subject to change without notice.



  • How to Work with Investors
  • Advanced Investor Training
  • How to get Listings from Investors
  • 30 Days Quick Start Plan
  • Go No-Go" Calculator
  • Property Evaluator
  • Bird Dog Classes
  • Cash Investor List
  • Certificate of Completion


2 x $1,997

  • How to Work with Investors
  • Advanced Investor Training
  • How to get Listings from Investors
  • 30 Days Quick Start Plan
  • Go No-Go" Calculator
  • Property Evaluator
  • Bird Dog Classes
  • Cash Investor List
  • Certificate of Completion

Limited time special offer to get this online course that promises an increase in closed transactions.

Join me today in the most comprehensive online real estate agent working with investors course.

Jody McNamer

Hi, I’m Jody McNamer, welcome!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could “make a healthy living” off just a small handful of clients who gave you repeat business, month after month?  To wake up on Saturday and have “no work things” to do, you chose to spend your time with your family, friends, or yourself.  No more cold calling, no more listing presentations, no more picky first time buyers who can’t make up their minds.  You have less stress,  more closed sales, and more money in the bank.

THERE ARE SOME INVISIBLE FORCE WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES THAT ARE STEADILY BRINGING BIG CHANGES TO THE INDUSTRY.  Whether you feel it yet or not, it’s about to become harder and harder for you to keep selling houses the way you have been because chances are that if you’re the typical agent,  nothing about your Real Estate business is “special”.  You’re probably just a “generalist”, just another person who “Sells” houses which might be fine for now but soon, your “generalist” status could spell trouble.  

If you really look at it, the real estate industry is going the way of the travel Industry, which was all but overtaken by a handful of major large websites, it’s the same with real estate.  The information (which used to be your most valuable commodity) is everywhere, and freely accessible.  The consumer has access to many of the same tools and data that you do.  Unless you find another way to bring “real value”, you’re going to find that it’s harder and harder to prove your true value to buyers and sellers. 

Think about it what if one of the large online sites became an auction site, offering free “auctions” to anyone with a property to sell?  They are already purchasing homes and robbing you of your listings, what's next?


Remember the last downturn?  It became very difficult to buy or sell a house to regular retail buyers, but there were a handful of agents that understood how to work with investors, and grew their businesses exponentially.  They were working with cash investors.

Many agents had no idea what they were doing different.  They were asking "why can’t that be me"?  Well the truth is, there’s really nothing special going on with those agents other than they grasped the reality of the current situation, and realized it was time to specialize...

They realized that around 20% of all real estate transactions are with investors.  Investors are moving money out of the stock market and other financial instruments are moving into hard assets such as real estate.

The problem is that most investors have a low opinion of what the typical real estate agent can do to help them.  Rightfully so, most agents are “generalists” without specialized knowledge about what it takes to help an investor get deals done.

When an investor comes across the very rare agent who is responsive to their needs, and actually understands how to help him make short and long term profits, the agent becomes very valuable for the investor and it becomes easy for any agent who “gets it” to become the trusted advisor who gets all the investor’s business.

Once agents understand how investors work and think, it becomes very easy to capture this very large, and very very hungry segment of the marketplace.

That’s what this program is all about...

The Investor Real Estate Expert program is the most comprehensive online program that gives you the step by step instruction you need to become an expert when working with investors.  It allows you to become the Go-To Authority for investors in your own market.

I've outlined what you get below.  I look forward to having you part of the program.



Why me?

As a result of investing in real estate for the last 30 years, and building a successful real estate brokerage made up of 50+ investor focused agents I am in a unique position to train real estate agents how to work with investors.  I'm, considered to be a leading authority and insider, helping real estate agents find and develop long term profitable relationships with investors. 

My name is Jody McNamer and I’m privileged to be one of the most recommended private real estate business coaches in the US.  For years now I have been successfully speaking, training, and coaching both Real Estate Investors and Agents all over North America..

I started my career as a real estate investor.  As my business grew so did my need for investor grade properties.  Unfortunately there were very few agents that understood how to work with investors. 

So I started my own real estate brokerage and over several years I personally trained 50+ agents inside my brokerage to work with other investors helping the to find investment properties and list them after they were renovated.  They all became Investor Real Estate Experts. 

The fact that I started the brokerage out of my own personal frustration over not being able to find an agents who “get it” when working with investors, I quickly understood that I was not the only investor with that problem.  I knew that the Investor Community desperately needed agents that were specialists in investment property.  Agents who could provide a steady stream of investment grade properties to their investors, making them dependent on the service that the real estate agent provided.  

That's how the Investor Real Estate Expert program was born.

All things being equal, people do business with and refer business to people that are competent and who they  know, like, and trust.  I teach you in this program how to accelerate your investor competence and  “Know, Like, and Trust Factor” by giving you the tools that you need to be successful when working with investors.  I have a sincere interest in your success.  By applying technology, systems, and training you will add tremendous value to all your investor relationships. Real Estate is all about human connections and providing massive value in the type of real estate you practice.  

No longer can you be a "general" real estate agent.  You must be a specialist!

I live my life following a basic set of values: Have Fun, Be Nice, Clean Up After Yourself, Make Money, Do Good.

This wealth of knowledge and experience will equip you with the information you need to provide investors a sound return on their money.

They will become loyal clients that will continue to purchase property with you, as well as give you all your list backs.

I look forward to helping you create a reliable source of consistent income by working with investors.

Purchasing this program will be one of the best decisions you'll make in your real estate career.

Investment Real Estate Expert

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Let's Get Right To It - What's In The Course?

Investment Real Estate Expert Online Program

The most comprehensive real estate agent investor training available on the market today.  Learn how to become an expert when working with investors.

Marriage Counseling

1. Working with Investors (16 Hours)

The IREE program contains 16 hours of video training.  It's made up of two parts:  The first part is a six module series that gives you the basics of working with an investor.  The second part is an eight module program that gives you all the fine details you need to be successful when working with an investor.  Hover over the pictures below for an overview.

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Modules 1 & 2 set the stage… you’ll learn more about current market conditions that driving a lot of investor activity, and underlying psychology (and the guru training)  behind what investors are doing these days...

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Modules 3 & 4  will help you understand a handful of basic and advanced models that investors work under, so you can choose which deal types most appeal to you and target your approach accordingly… 

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In Module 5 you’ll learn all about how to “work the auctions” & be the savior for  anxious cash buyers who don’t want to have to do the “walk of shame” back to the bank again after not having won any deals...

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Module 6 is all about crafting offers that get accepted and provide a win/win for all parties involved…

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And in modules 7 & 8 you’ll learn the advanced property valuation and marketing techniques that go hand in hand when it comes to truly impressing prospective and existing clients.

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The second part of the training includes an 8 module Drill-Down of all the concepts you will need to be successful in growing your business working with investors.

2. Advanced Investor Training (4 Hours)

Once you learn the basic investing models that investors use.  You will now learn the investment strategies that long term investors use to maintain their business.

Happy Couple

3. How to get listings from investors (2 Hours)

It's essential that you develop a relationship with your investor that compels them to want to list their finished home with you.  Learn how to develop a long term relationship.


4. Go No-Go" Calculator

Calculating "fix-up" costs is essential when working with investors.  There are three numbers an investor will want from you.  How much will this property sell for once remodeled?  How much "fix-up" will it take to get it ready for a retail buyer?  How much can I afford to pay and still maintain a profit margin?  This Excel and Google Sheets compatible Go No-Go calculator will allow you to easily answer all three questions from one convenient sheet.

Couple in love

5. Property Evaluator

This 15 page form is specifically designed for an investor walk-through.  It asks every question that an investor would ask of you when considering a property to purchase.  You will find it to be an invaluable tool when evaluating investment grade real estate.

6. How to tell if an investor is a "pot of gold" (1 Hour)

The majority of people who call themselves investors are a complete waist of time.  A small handful of investors will create a steady stream of income for you.  You will quickly learn which investors to spend your time with, and those who you should not.


Couple Love
Couples Therapy

7. Thirty Day Quick Start Plan (1 Hour)

In this quick and easy plan you will learn how to find your first qualified investor to work with.  When done consistently, you will obtain multiple investors to work with.  It's everything you need to know about getting a long list of investor clients.  If you just take the recommended steps, every day for the first 30 days, it will be virtually impossible for you to have not created a business that serves you for years to come….

8. Bird Dog Classes (2 Hours)

In this module you will learn how to use "want-to-be" investors to find you properties that you can offer for sale to your investors or list them to find a retail buyer.  Don't let them waist your time, put them to work for you.

Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy

9. Cash Investor List

Once you've successfully completed the course we will send you a list of the cash buyers and investors in your area.  It will be an invaluable tool you can use to get your fist investor to work with.

10. Certificate of Completion

Once you've completed the course you will be added to the IREE website as a certified Investor Real Estate Expert.  Investors use a private login on our site to find qualified agents to work with.  You will have full rights to use the IREE logo, giving you instant credibility with your potential investors.

Couples Therapy
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What does this mean for you? 

The Investor Real Estate Expert program is a single online program that gives you the step-by-step ways to become the Go-To investor resource in your OWN market.

This is a work on your own pace program that will guide you to becoming the authority in working with investors. 

If you' re really serious about learning the truth about making a 6-figure income in real estate, without chasing clients, and wondering where your next listing is going to come from, then this will be the most important information you've ever read. 

My name is Jody McNamer,  I'm a real estate broker, investor, and I've owned a real estate brokerage.  I'm out there every day, working with agents just like you, who are trying to earn a living in the real estate business.

There's a big difference between you and the agents I work with.  My brokers each work with 5-10 clients that each complete 1-2 transactions every month. Let me explain to you how this all happened.

For the first 15 years in the real estate business, I was a real estate investor.  I worked with brokers who found me properties to purchase. Over time I saw the brokers constant struggle for survival.  Day after day, I would hear stories about agents who would come into the office to face the bone-numbing humiliation of calling hundreds of people who didn't want to talk to them, in the hopes of finding a few who did.  After enduring year after year of grinding rejection, they would find themselves at the brink of despair, burned out. I would tell them to "Keep their chin up, people aren't rejecting you personally. Just shake it off." 

It seemed to me that most agents got into real estate because they wanted to help people, not to pester them for business. Most agents couldn't sell.  Typically they hated selling. What I hated most as an investor was an agent that tried to use manipulative selling tactics to get listings or make sales. 

When I would ask them where they had learned to talk to me that way, they would say that they had bought dozens of tapes and books by famous real estate sales trainers. 

Most of the brokers seemed to be dead-broke.  They would try everything they could think of to attract new clients, but nothing worked. Many of them were barely hanging on.  The stress of not knowing when they would receive their next commission check was becoming a significant issue for them.

I relied on them for good quality investor grade properties.  Unfortunately they were trying the best that they could working with me, only equipped with the knowledge of how to work with a consumer.  

Most of those brokers were drowning under a sea of bills.  Many were forced to file bankruptcy. 

In an effort to get a steady stream of investment properties to purchase I created a real estate agent training program that would give them the skills that they needed to make a good living by closing investor transactions with me. 

Over time the program was refined and I decided to start a brokerage that focused on working with investors.  That was the birth of the "Investor Real Estate Expert" system.

Here's what was so amazing. My training system delivered all the sales, automatically. No selling, no objection handling, no prospecting, no cold calling, no rejection.   These were commissions that the brokers would never have received without the system creating them.

Thanks to"Investor Real Estate Expert"  system, my brokers now spend a lot of time with their families, doing things they truly enjoy, instead of prospecting.

My system automatically motivates a steady stream of qualified, ready-to-act investor buyers and to want to do business with them, and only them.

Now, I'm sharing the "Investor Real Estate Expert" system with you.

For years, I was able to keep what I was doing totally to myself and my brokerage. Despite my efforts to keep the system under wraps, the word of my success eventually started leaking out.  Hundreds of agents requested information. They wanted to know the secret, and begged me to teach my system to real estate agents who wanted to learn it. I was really hesitant to do this, but my wife pointed out that I really owe it to my profession to help other agents end the misery of finding sincere clients.  I finally agreed, although we compromised. I would only share my secrets with agents outside of the Seattle, Washington area.

The beauty of all of this is that the"Investor Real Estate Expert" system gives me the time to help you, even though I' m still actively buying and selling real estate every day.  

"Investor Real Estate Expert" supercharges your income by giving you more clients in a week than you now get in 2 months.  It allows you to sell your listings for you in as little as one day, because investors price their product to sell.  Working with investors allows you to make commissions on the buy and the sell.  You find the investment grade property for them to purchase, and then you re-list the property when it’s retail ready.

The "Investor Real Estate Expert" system shows you how to end, forever, the rejection, misery, humiliation, and embarrassment of traditional selling-based prospecting and enables you to spend your time only with sincere investor buyers who want to take action now.

It gives you the one thing money can't buy: time.

Stop trying to attract customers the same old way that you have been, you'll be broke, frustrated, depressed and miserable.

Once you discover the secret of working with investors and positioning yourself  as the expert, streams of ready-to-act investors will call and ask you to help them.

My brokers spend more time with their families, they take time for themselves, all while building their careers in real estate.  That’s why they love my Investor Real Estate Expert program.

If you're really ambitious, I shudder to think of how fast you'll be recognized as the number one investor agent in your area.

Now is the time to act!  Once the program is sold to you, your area is no longer available to another agent.  That also means if someone else has purchase the program in your area, you will not be able to purchase it.  I don't want multiple agents chasing investors in any one given area.

So act now!  It will be one of the best decisions you have ever made in your career.

I'll see you on the inside!



Don't take my word for it...

Here’s a testimonial from David Spalding a successful real estate agent, investor and Blackhawk Pilot.  David works with multiple investors and has become the go-to person for investment real estate in his county.


"All I can say is Thank You"!

"Your program was a game changer for me.  I started working with my first investor about a month after I became certified and now I'm working with three of them.  I close at least two purchases and one listing each month!"  All I can say is Thank You.

- Tyler, Home Smart Real Estate

You delivered everything you said you would.

I was very skeptical of your program, as I get offers every day from people trying to sell me something.  I do have to say that you delivered everything you said you would and more.  I use the Go-No-Go calculator every day, that tool alone is worth the price of the program.

- Ryan, Inside Real Estate

I don't know why I didn't start working with investors sooner.

I had always heard that investors were a waist of time and a pain in the a#$ to work with.  I still think that, but thanks to your course I know how how to tell which investors have money.  I'm working with four investors I met at the auction, and I sell at least two properties every month, and get at least one of those properties as a list back.  I don't know why I didn't start working with investors sooner.

- David, eXp Real Estate

100% Money Back Guarantee

Remember that during your trial period you’ll have access to the entire training program, the 30 day quick start, the live coaching sessions, the facebook group, and the innovative prospecting system… 

If you decide during your trial that the "Investor Real Estate Expert" program isn’t for you, there will be no hard feelings… you can cancel at any time, easily, with 1 click from within the members area.  

So what do you say, will you click the button now and give us a shot? 

Just to recap one more time what’s been said here...

If you niche, you’ll get rich :)

If you don’t, things are just going to keep getting harder...

I’m truly confident that the"Investor Real Estate Expert" program can be the vehicle that helps you build a better real estate practice that brings you more money and less stress….

So go ahead and select the payment option that works for you and you'll get instant access to everything now. 

See you on the inside...

Everything you need to know about how to work with a real estate investor. 

*Prices subject to change without notice.



  • How to Work with Investors
  • Advanced Investor Training
  • How to get Listings from Investors
  • 30 Days Quick Start Plan
  • Go No-Go" Calculator
  • Property Evaluator
  • Bird Dog Classes
  • Cash Investor List
  • Certificate of Completion


2 x $1,997

  • How to Work with Investors
  • Advanced Investor Training
  • How to get Listings from Investors
  • 30 Days Quick Start Plan
  • Go No-Go" Calculator
  • Property Evaluator
  • Bird Dog Classes
  • Cash Investor List
  • Certificate of Completion

Limited time special offer to get this online course that promises an increase in closed transactions.

About Jody McNamer

No.1 leading Real estate Investment authority

I’m privileged to be one of the most recommended private real estate business coaches and trainers in the US. I speak, train, and coach on Real Estate Investing, Working with Investors, Growing your Real Estate Business 10X, Effective Real Estate Systems, Entrepreneurial Mindset, and Personal Development.

Individuals and organizations significantly grow their listings, scope of influence, and revenues through my dynamic, inspirational and humorous trainings, webinars, workshops and individual and group coaching.

All things being equal, people do business with and refer business to people they know, like and trust. I teach how to accelerate your “Know, Like, Trust Factor” by taking a sincere interest in your network, applying technology and systems, ultimately adding value to all your relationships. Real Estate is all about human connections.

I look forward to serving you.



Dee Tozer